Why I blog?
[My original version disappear for don't know what reason and I have to recall what I have written and re-write everything I can remember. The 2nd version is not as good as the 1st version, I think.]
I suppose most people blog because they want to share their thoughts, life experiences and events with their friends and strangers from all over the world. They write their thoughts freely and decorate their blog(s) so that they look attractive to themselves and also to others. This would make their blog "come to life". I feel uncomfortable when people use the word “diary” for the definition of blog. Diary is supposed to be a personal book or even a personal file in your PC(like you can write your diary in microsoft word but why write in blog huh?) where you keep all you life experiences and events. I suggest using “free online publications” for the definition of blog.
I’m not a person who writes diary or journal. There are times I tried writing it because I wanted to keep all my thoughts there. But I was too undisciplined and lazy to continue the habit. It is tedious transposing your thoughts into words and then into organized paragraphs. Unless you are proficient in languages, thinking of words to express your thoughts into organized paragraphs is really not easy. Rather, I would like to write my thoughts in my heart where I can write anytime and anywhere. No one would know what I write; no one will peep at what I have written; it won’t be lost easily; it won’t rot (it may only deteriorate when I age) and I can retrieve them and share with people whenever and wherever I want to. [But only God knows!]
One of my friends who owns a blog keep asking me to publish a blog. I guess it is either because I have been flooding his blog with my writings or he wants to know my thoughts. Then I thought I might as well open an account and flood my own blog. Another friend of mine try writing his bible study thoughts in his blog. I was encouraged by his effort.
I’m not a person who writes diary or journal. There are times I tried writing it because I wanted to keep all my thoughts there. But I was too undisciplined and lazy to continue the habit. It is tedious transposing your thoughts into words and then into organized paragraphs. Unless you are proficient in languages, thinking of words to express your thoughts into organized paragraphs is really not easy. Rather, I would like to write my thoughts in my heart where I can write anytime and anywhere. No one would know what I write; no one will peep at what I have written; it won’t be lost easily; it won’t rot (it may only deteriorate when I age) and I can retrieve them and share with people whenever and wherever I want to. [But only God knows!]
One of my friends who owns a blog keep asking me to publish a blog. I guess it is either because I have been flooding his blog with my writings or he wants to know my thoughts. Then I thought I might as well open an account and flood my own blog. Another friend of mine try writing his bible study thoughts in his blog. I was encouraged by his effort.
Moreover, the Sunday School I used to go and the Church Service I have been attending are all in Chinese. This makes it even more difficult for me to get friends to hear the Good News ( since reaching out itself is already a difficult task for most Christians) because I presume most friends prefer knowing Christianity in English. Understanding the Scriptures in Chinese may seem a bit difficult for most people I know, I suppose. I tried using my mouth to tell them the Good News but it is in vain because I’m simply bad in talking. As I’m bad in verbal skill, I have to switch to other means of reaching out. Since we are living in the technological revolution period, it seems good to use IT to reach out to people. Thus, I decided to open an account to attempt answering non-believers' (and also hardcore skeptics’) tough questions with my understanding of the scriptures, using various resources I can obtain so that I can get them to know more about Christianity. By so doing, not only can I understand the scripture deeper, I also can do my part for the Great Commission (Read more) Jesus instructed every Christians to obey before He ascended to heaven.
Therefore, this “The sword of the lighthouse” blog was officially born on 29th April 2005, three days before my effective communication paper, after my second last paper, Maths 4.
Therefore, this “The sword of the lighthouse” blog was officially born on 29th April 2005, three days before my effective communication paper, after my second last paper, Maths 4.
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