Movie: The kingdom of heaven / 天国英雄
I think I was right when I told one of my friends that more and more films relating to christianity would be out. I told him this after he had watched the movie Constantine. (fyip, the whole movie of Constantine is half true. Please watch with discerning eyes. To read the review of Constantine to find out more, click the word Constantine above.)Well, a bit of history about Constantine for those who do not know:
Constantine (c.274–337), Roman emperor; known as Constantine the Great. He was the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity and in 324 made Christianity a state religion. In 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinopolis (Constantinople). In the Orthodox Church he is venerated as a saint.
(Extracted from The NEW OXFORD DictionaryOF ENGLISH)
Constantine (c.274–337), Roman emperor; known as Constantine the Great. He was the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity and in 324 made Christianity a state religion. In 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinopolis (Constantinople). In the Orthodox Church he is venerated as a saint.
(Extracted from The NEW OXFORD DictionaryOF ENGLISH)
[want to find out more? Any christian website should have ba.]

Why do I know more and more movie relating to christianity (and also religion) would be shown in public cinema? The reason is: Simply by understanding what the bible is trying to tell us lor. Well, I can't tell you much, otherwise it would seem to be more than just speculations le.

Why do I know more and more movie relating to christianity (and also religion) would be shown in public cinema? The reason is: Simply by understanding what the bible is trying to tell us lor. Well, I can't tell you much, otherwise it would seem to be more than just speculations le.
I haven't watched the movie "The kingdom of heaven". What I know is that it is about muslims vs christians in the 10th through 12th centuries and about crusades between muslim and christian. For a review of this movie, click the title of this post. And also read this review from another website. And perhaps this Q&A would answer most of your questions:
______________________Yes, it's here. Click me!
Another movie relating to Christianity on the way to public cinema would be Da Vinci Code. Well, I will write about Da Vinci Code in later post. I'm expecting more films relating to Christianity in future.
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Posted by jnwk on Monday, May 16, 2005:

I saw brutal killings because of war man waged for wealth and status. Many people fall by swords. War is indeed terrible. They misused the name of Jesus and God to fight the war. The maker of this film has done a good job in bringing a balance for both religions; he has maintained neutrality in this film. However, there is still some deeper meaning and truth being conveyed. To put it simply: The whole movie plot may not be totally true but the crusade is definitely true and it is always good to look back at history for the mistakes man had made. And we must not repeat the same mistake again. Most importantly, God does not desire war and man has misused the name of God to wage war. The third commandment states: "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." (Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11)In the movie, a knight tells Balian, “Holiness is in right action. What God desires is here [points to Balian’s head] and here [points to his heart].” You get what this mean?
I heard from many friends that this movie is boring and sux (ops, I can't think of any words to replace this unpleasant word. If you know, please tell me on the comment window). Few say it is good or okay. It is like two students going to the examination hall. One of them study very hard and know his work well while the other is a slacker who like to make a lot of noise. Before they enter the examination hall, the hardworking student might hope that what he/she had studied would be useful during the examination, while the slacker student might hope the examination is easy so that he/she can pass. When both walk out of the examination hall, who do you think will say the paper is easy and who do you think will say the paper is tough (and the lecturer set the paper too difficult OR the subject is too difficult for him/her to understand), assuming the paper is set slightly above average ?
One reason for people who don't appreciate this movie might be that they do not understand the scriptures and also the many terms used in the movie (though there's a handful I'm not familiar too, he he :) ) They can't see what this movie is trying to convey. It not only convey the history to all of us, there is still a deeper meaning to it.
Since this movie is about the war and the crusade, I decided to link the Q&A about war from a website:
--> About war
I would like to end with a verse:
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does." (2 Corinthians 10:3)
I certainly hope there will be more movies about religion in the future - and hopefully they will open some frank discussion about how they fit in the world today. I didn't think that Kingdom of Heaven really stepped up to the challenge, though - the whole film was meant to make us think everything was ok when clearly the Crusades have caused a lot of problems throughout history.
Sorry Owen that I have to transfer your comment onto this new blog because the original has problems. Therefore I wouldn't be able to have your name linked. But I will down your profile link below:
Don't think it's very apt to use the analogy of two students sitting for same paper. Can't really relate. Sorry! Although I'm not a history major, I don't think some of jargons used in the movie would pose a serious problem to most movie goers. As compared to Troy, which I enjoyed better, Kingdom of Heaven pales in comparsion. Troy definitely has better fight scenes. Or perhaps Orlando Blooms fails to capture my attention. I just feel that he just does not have the aura to take on that role. Overall, the movie was ok.
thanks my friend for the comment. I'm not a great philospher nor a great theologian. My analogy is based on my life experience which you may not have encountered or experienced. Sorry if I have offended you, but well, this analogy is based around my experiences.
Are you sure you really understand what the movie is trying to convey or are you just looking on the surface of the movie?
Superficially, yes, the movie is just it is -- violent, fighting, religion.... "What can be more than that!" you may be thinking.
As you have just mentioned, Troy definitely has better fight scences, which mean you are refering to the fight scene all along.As I can see, you are looking for fighting exciting scenes and characters that have aura to take on the role.
How can someone who do not even have a firm foundation of the Scriptures better understand a movie which do not even elaborate what is going on and what different scene and word mean different things? How can you say that you understand this movie better than any christians who has been studying the bible all days long?
I apologise in advance if I have offended you in any way.
What I gathered from the movie is Christians and Muslims cannot co-exist. From my perspective, war is definitely meaningless and endless.
Do you think that someone, who have a firm foundation of the Scriptures, will enjoy this movie? Probably not, according to a friend, the blacksmith is a frictious character. I believe this guy was created to boost the ticket sales. Come on, it's just a movie. Movies are made to entertain ppl like us. Take Dan Brown's books. Why are they so popular. The author intelligently, inserted some controversies to stir things up and this helps garner lots of attention. Sometimes, we shdn't take things so seriously ok?
thanks for your reply.
You don't have to gather from the movie that Christian and Muslim cannot co-exist. If you live long enough with your eyes and ears open, you will know. This is a rather a complicated issues which dates back many many centuries ago and is still unresolved today. But we are lucky that we are living in a country with a good government that helps create place where people from different religions can co-exist together, working to build our nation and for a better tomorrow. There are some people who are born in a country where there is no freedom of faith and Christians are often under attack because of what they believe.
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. (Romans 13:1-3,7)
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2:1-3)
Obviously, war is meaningless and endless. In the movie, a knight tells Balian, “Holiness is in right action. What God desires is here [points to Balian’s head] and here [points to his heart].” You get what this mean?
Oh, you misunderstood me again. I never say Christians will enjoy a movie like this where heads are being chopped off, blood is being spilled..... Who will enjoy this scene? Obviously not unless he/she is satan's friend.
And also, I never say the whole movie is true. What I'm saying is the crusade is true and it is always good to look back at history for the mistakes man had made. I don't care what the producer or the author do to boost the the ticket sales, what I care is the message being convey: God does not desire war and man has misused the name of God to wage war.
Wah, now you are going into Dan Brown's book topics. Okay, I will talk about this in my later post. So stay tune, okay?
We shouldn't take things so seriously for?? For the stupid things man has tried to create to gain attention or For truth? Are you saying no, we should not take Truth seriously because this is another thing man has created? If that is so, then you should not beleive that two plus two equal four. Why not two plus two equal twenty-two? Why not look beyond what man has created: 2+2=4?
You seem a bit confused.I suggest you read the links I have put up to clear your doubts. Nvm, I put it down here:
About war
Cheers =)
Of course 5 = 1 lar!
How can 5 = 3125?!
In the beginning, I have said, 1=5.
Today, men is trying to forget what God has given us. Men don't want a Creator who create us and has a plan for each of us. Men want to look beyond what God has given us; Men want to play God and be the creator themselves. Men want to overthrow God which what satan is planning right now.
We must always remember our root and where we come from and not follow what pagans are doing.
Hi Owen, I'm not confident enough to answer your question so I seeked help from for some answer. I not sure if this is what you want. If you want something better, please put it down and I try if I can answer your question. Thank You.
Question: Somebody has asked me how can religion fit in the world today. Well, I don't know how to answer him. Perhaps you could help me answer this question so that I could give him the answer he wants. Why do we need religion? Thank You.
Answered by: Polly
Answer: The answer here depends on what your friend calls "religion". If he is speaking of salvation, this is very much needed in this world today; "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again" (John 3:3); "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9).
If he is speaking of going to the church of your choice; "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25).
We can't live without faith "for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith" (Ephesians 2:8), and "faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ" (Romans 10:17). We cannot live with out knowledge (Hosea 4:6), and it is the chief responsibility of the Christian to "preach the good news to all the world" (Mark 16:15) so I guess we can't do away with missionaries and teachers (2 Timothy 2:2).
James tells us "if anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless" (James 1:26). This is not suggesting that we "give up" but rather that we "not merely listen to the Word but do as it says" (James 1:22). The real question should not be; can we fit religion into the world today; but HOW do we fit Jesus Christ into the world today! "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith" (Hebrews 10:37-38).
In respone to a friend who said that my analogy in this post can't relate:
If a mechanical student ask a business student, who has no or little background of mechanical stuffs, to relate all the forces, reactions, directions and etc in a free body diagram for dynamic force analysis, in most general cases, the business student may have difficulty relating them together. I can imagine that business student may in the end tell the mechanical student to stop telling him/her about mechanical stuffs because from the business student point of view,they can't even relate. But does that mean they can't relate? From the mechanical student point of view, yes, of course the forces, reactions and directions can relate perfectly well but the business student may think otherwise. If the business student try to think harder from the mechanical point of view, then he/she may see what the mechanical student sees.
This can also be seen in art. Different people view a art piece differently from their own point of view. Generally, only one point of view is correct. That is, the designer point of view lo.
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