Monday, May 02, 2005

Fulfilled prophecies and unfulfilled prophecies

I am not proficient in biblical knowledge. I do not understand many of the prophecies written in the bible. The more I read it, the more I get confused and wanted to hit my head onto the wall. It is very difficult to understand some of the verses and then reconcile one verse with another verse found in another book. Therefore, it seems wise to get people who are expert in biblical knowledge to help you to understand. When you read their commentaries and articles, you will begin to agree with how they interpret those prophecies. Of course, look for those commonly agreed and those more conservative interpretations because they are more trustworthy. Once you have unlocked some of the mysteries, you may feel like wanting to find out more. It is amazing how each verses complement each other and link with each other. It is, indeed, a miracle to me as I find it hard to understand how 66 books of the bible with about 40 authors written at different time span would be talking about the same thing. Therefore, they are indeed God's words.
I have read in many articles that said all prophecies in the old testament, written about Jesus were fulfilled. However, there are plently of unfulfilled prophecies. Clearly, they are written about the future. Some seems to have been fulfilled in the past and some seems to have already been fulfilled in the present. And there are some I feel will going to be fulfilled soon. (Please do not misunderstood my 'soon' as the immediate settings. My 'soon' refers to within my life time.)There are some that will not be fulfilled that immediately.
Prophecies about Jesus is called Messianic Prophecies. What is Messianic Prophecies? Extracted from one of the websites below: "Messianic prophecy is the collection of over 100 predictions (a conservative estimate) in the Old Testament about the future Messiah of the Jewish people. These predictions were written by multiple authors, in numerous books, over approximately 1,000 years." I have read in one website saying that there are 600++ Messianic Prophecies in total and they were all fulfilled by Jesus. I forget which website I visited but if I find it,I will put it down. If I could find the whole list of Messianic Prophecies in the net, I also put it down. I believe there are books regarding Messianic Prophecies being sold. So if you want to know more, you can go purchase them. Below are some of the websites:

I finally found an intensive Old Testament Prophecies Of Jesus Christ That Were Fulfilled In The New Testament (but I still believe it is not complete):

Websites pertaining to prophecies:
  1. Bible Prophecy
  2. Biblical Prophecy
  3. Christian Prophecy

This website (Prophetic Signs) shows us some of the prophecies that have been fulfilled and prophecies that are going to be fulfilled, perhaps soon(??). Don't panic anyway, even if their interpretations of the bible are right. If you have received Christ as your Savior, you can disregard all those predictions. You can be at peace, knowing that God is in control of things. If you have never received Christ, we urge you to make your commitment to God by turning from sin, trusting Christ to forgive you, and inviting Jesus to come into your life as your Savior and Lord.

I read that a Jewish temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem for the end times events to be kicked into action (The bible tells us that a significant event will occur at this temple during the end times. This Jewish Israel was destroyed twice. It was destroyed by Babylonians. And the temple was rebuilt but was destroyed again by the Rome in A.D 70. Many bible scholars believe the destruction of the Jewish temple in A.D 70 was predicted in the bible.) and I also read that there's rumor saying that all tools are ready for the construction except they face one problem. I read that if this temple is being built, this would perhaps be a good sign that the day of the Lord is fast approaching.

I saw their website. If you are concerned, you may wish to explore. => Temple. For more information, you may wish to read this website too. Click me!

Also, tradition says that the Prophet Jeremiah took the Ark of the Convenant and hid it in the catacombs beneath the temple as the Babylonians were getting ready to conquer and destroy Jerusalem. According to this tradition, the Ark remains hidden in the catacombs beneath Jerusalem, waiting for the day that a Jewish temple is rebuilt. (Additional information)

The Bible says, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour" (Matthew 25:13).

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20-22)
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Revelation 1:3)
Then you may ask: Why study prophecy?
[Well, I will update on this post in future later later with more information ........]


Blogger loren said...

Hello JNWK,

I was doing a search on Google's new blog search software, and came across your blog by looking up 'messianic prophecy'. I know this is an old posting but I appreciate the resouces you've linked to.

Actually, the life of Jesus can be matched to the messianic prophecy far more often than most people realize. Prophecies that seemed subtle will suddenly seem pointed and penetrating when compared with His life. It was designed to be that way.

In particular, the passion was the most heavily prophesied event of all time. It is so detailed, intricate and extensice that it can actually be harmonized into story form, to tell the same account.

Also, the passion prophecy was usually rendered in first person, so when it is harmonized it sounds like Jesus Himself is telling the story (1 Peter 1:11). Her's a link where this has been done, if you'd like to see what it looks like.

Thanks again for your research and I hope this link will be a blessing to you.

5:58 am  

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